Monday, December 26, 2005

Coming Home..again.

Wow.. my vacation in Michigan is coming to a close. I got to see Shyle and Lydia. Man. I missed them soooooo dearly.

Spent most of the weekend back and forth between family stuff. Drinking lots of Mountain Dew, Dayquil and tea. Playing lots of Poker, Craps, and BlackJack. Frosting lots of Xmas cookies and watching LOTS of Alias. All of Season four to be exact. MAN I NEVER SAW THAT ENDING coming from aMILE away. Sheesh.

It has been great to see everyone. BUT I miss Atown. I miss my bed, my cats, my compy. I miss relaxing. I wont miss the small talk. I love my family and I love that they want to know how Im doing but I wish sometimes I could just wear a sign. It would probably read:

Phyllis Nicole Chill
Abilene, Texas (yes.. Bush country.. No I dont think he's an angel)
20 yrs. Junior at Abilene Christian University (yes people do party)
Spanish/International Studies/ESL
GPA 3.66
Graduate in May 07
I dont know what I am doing afterwards.
This semester was really rough. Worst Class: Mexican History Best Class: Gymnastics
No Stephen and I arent dating anymore.
Yes he spent this summer in Africa and he didnt die.
I live alone in my apt. with my two cats: Ada and Z.
I am staying in Abilene this summer for classes and work.
I will be working at a Cafe/Creamery.
I was in Uruguay studying last spring.
I worked in Mexico this summer.. missions.. high school students.
I wont be travelling abroad for awhile.
I will be back in Michigan for a wedding in May.

For more information: talk to me directly or check my blog

hahah.. Seriously.. now lets cut to real conversations and card games.

PS. Craps is officially really confusing but LOTS of fun. As is Texas Hold em.

1 comment:

Julie said...

phyllis. i miss you, chica! look at me, pulling out the spanish for you and everything. :-)