Monday, December 26, 2005

Coming Home..again.

Wow.. my vacation in Michigan is coming to a close. I got to see Shyle and Lydia. Man. I missed them soooooo dearly.

Spent most of the weekend back and forth between family stuff. Drinking lots of Mountain Dew, Dayquil and tea. Playing lots of Poker, Craps, and BlackJack. Frosting lots of Xmas cookies and watching LOTS of Alias. All of Season four to be exact. MAN I NEVER SAW THAT ENDING coming from aMILE away. Sheesh.

It has been great to see everyone. BUT I miss Atown. I miss my bed, my cats, my compy. I miss relaxing. I wont miss the small talk. I love my family and I love that they want to know how Im doing but I wish sometimes I could just wear a sign. It would probably read:

Phyllis Nicole Chill
Abilene, Texas (yes.. Bush country.. No I dont think he's an angel)
20 yrs. Junior at Abilene Christian University (yes people do party)
Spanish/International Studies/ESL
GPA 3.66
Graduate in May 07
I dont know what I am doing afterwards.
This semester was really rough. Worst Class: Mexican History Best Class: Gymnastics
No Stephen and I arent dating anymore.
Yes he spent this summer in Africa and he didnt die.
I live alone in my apt. with my two cats: Ada and Z.
I am staying in Abilene this summer for classes and work.
I will be working at a Cafe/Creamery.
I was in Uruguay studying last spring.
I worked in Mexico this summer.. missions.. high school students.
I wont be travelling abroad for awhile.
I will be back in Michigan for a wedding in May.

For more information: talk to me directly or check my blog

hahah.. Seriously.. now lets cut to real conversations and card games.

PS. Craps is officially really confusing but LOTS of fun. As is Texas Hold em.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Ya regrese, ya me voy

Well I just got back from Juarez last night.

Man it was so amazing to see everybody again. I forgot how much I love everything about that city. I was real nervous driving my car around there, but it was easier to drive my little cochita than the big 15 passenger van. Crossing the border went smooth. Thank God for the gift of Gab when it comes to stressful situations.. we got inspected coming back from Juarez. Thats what happens when the passengers both have michigan IDs and a Michigan license plate and say they came down for a Quincenera.. one night.. thats it.. hahah.. he was like your nuts!

I got some great pics. It was hysterical to see Eileen in a dress and hating life. SHe hates being the center of attention. Oh was she!!!

The whole things started with a church service. The sanctuary was done up like a wedding.. Tulle-rific. Blue and white with these candle thins that kept falling over. About 30 minutes was spent greeting people. Some had come from far away.. others lived there. Then it started. The three escorts came in. This was hysterical because they are three of the most gangsterish, dark long haired, black finger nails, marilyn manson listening boys. They were in TUXES!!! they had to like wedding march in with the funny slow walk and stuff. Then Eileen was escorted in by her mom and dad. They had to help her from not falling cuz here heels were.. oh my gosh.. 4 inches and BRIGHT BLUE STRAPPY SCARINESS.. I about cried... She had her, eybrows, nails, makeup, strapless dress with like beaded blue and white corset.. FRIGHTENING.. but she was so pretty. She had a crown on and she was hiding behind all her straightened hair.. She sat down in a chair facing away from us and fidgeted through a 40 minute sermon about waiting to find the guy has for you, and living for what God desires etc. I had a hard time paying attention.

After the sermon he called up the parents and the godparents. They presented the bible, the ring, and a pillow that she then knelt on. Liz and I joined 9 other people (to represent fifteen in all, one for each year of her life) as she was prayed over and blessed. The ceremony ended and the next 40 minutes was for pictures and greetings again. Almost every candle got knocked over. hahah..all the kids were fast asleep on shoulders..

We all jumped in vans and cars and headed over to the reception hall. Ours was in the Penthouse suite. Basically the top floor with an amazing view of the city and it was private. We hung out for awhile until Eileen came in. They served cokes and dinner.. which wasnt very good. It was like this weird chicken that you had to eat with a spoon. a lot more difficult that worth the taste.. hahah.. it wasnt typical mexican dish. After that they did the waltzs. THIS WAS HYSTERICAL. Eilleen and her three escorts had to do all this choreographed waltzing.. All for of them wanted to cut themselves. they stared at the floor with zero rythem or desire to be there.. After that they had people go up and make some speeches. NOBODY wanted to. A couple of the gringos did, then a brother and a cousin. But neither parent did. it was weird. Dessert was served.. ehem.. I didnt eat any.. I was still reeling over dinner. People started to leave after that and the "dancing" was supposed to begin but it never really did. Everybody was exhausted so we all just mingled and talked. It was kind of dissappointing but it was cool.

We went home at about 2 in the morning and left for abilene at like 11 the next day. 2 and 1/2 hours were spent trying to cross the border.. the line was SOOOOOO long.. longer than I had seen it all summer. Everyone was leaving to xmas shop in El Paso. nuts.

Long drive. Long weekend.

I need to go repack for Michigan.. I go to dallas soon then off to Ann Arbor tomorrow.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Done and Done!

I am finished! Finally! This semester is over! Woot! Woot WOOOOOOOOT!

This semester has been full of so much.. drama, studying, dancing, singing, craziness.

I feel like I should recount it.. but Ill save you the death.. I mean boredom.

I will however EXCLAIM that I got an A on my term paper!!!!! If anyone needs to know anything about Day of the Dead and Mexican Catholicism.. YOU LET ME KNOW!!

I have also learned that fighting with someone over IM in Spanish is way more infuriating that would normally be expected. Arg.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

One night down one to go...

Well last night was opening night for Eth05! It was fantastic!

Our rehearsals this week were exhausting but the show went GREAT!

I have video of our tango (thanks jules!) and our brazilian dance. I am SOO proud of our tango I feel like it turned out really well. My partner rules! hahah..

It is so amazing to be a part of something so great! I feel like I have gained a thousand new friends from all over the world. Oh wait I have! Friends from India, Africa, Brazil, Madagascar, Colombia, Guatemala, Argentina, Mexico, Honduras, and so many other countries I cant remember right now! Craziness!

Well tonight is our last night, afterwards is the celebration and I am so READY for it! man!
Starting tomorrow I am in work mode again for this term paper. I really have to buckle down and get something written. Im hoping to turn in my Intro/Thesis for review fromt he Professor on Tuesday but I dont knwo if Ill get that far..

Well I need to start cleaning my house.. Its a disaster after this week!

See ya!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Clearwire rules.

I am at starbucks. i have been here since about 5pm. it is pushing 8:20. I will be here another couple hours. I am on a study break right now. My mind is a flurry of spanish grammar... I have a test on tuesday and I am superdee duperdee nervous about it.

Friday night I went to Freshman Follies. No offense to those of you who were in the show.. but it wasnt worth 9 dollars. It was fun however to hang out with James. Hes fun.. itll be nice to have another crazy friend next semester.

After that I went over to Isaacs and watche he, jeremy and austin play some starwars video game. It was a blast. I miss watching Drew play for hours on end. Its like a movie I can get involved in. Plus it was fun to make fun of them when they sucked like I couldve done better... hahah not likely.

Saturday morning I went to Healing hands to help fold close for my Service Hours. I love it there. Kat is amazing and the girls that go from our class are so funny. I think Ill keep going to help out even after my hours are done. Kat has great stories and it is an amazingly impactful and passionate non profit!

I hit the Homer Hiccolm concert on Sat night.. that despite the crappy beore and after bands was SO worth the 10 bucks to get in. THey are amazing in concert. Wow. And great guys too!

After THAT.... the fun began. I went with jeremy and austin, to meet up with Isaac and a bunch of people I didnt know at this girls house who I didnt know. They were having a Salsa party, and it was SOOOOOO MUCH FUN. It has been so long since I have been in the social scene... let alone with a group of people I dont know. I didnt realize how much I missed hanging out with new people, groups of people, doing social things. Something God has pushed me to do this semester is spread out my time between lots of different people.. push my bubble a little bit to include people Im not used to, people that think differently, and people that intimidate the hell out of me. I have learned so much. I am so grateful to all the opportunities I have had to do it thus far this semester. It is busy and hectic, but I wouldnt trade it for anything. Its nice to have the challenge of a schedule, work, school, social..

crap ok Im off to studying again.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A hard day to be alone

Today was a hard day. I had a bummer of a test this morning. Ithink I did alright but it was really depressing to feel so stressed and unprepared despite the hours of studying I put in.

I also realized that this week is roughly the five year anniversary of the death of Ryan, Adam, David and John. Those of you that dont know they are four friends who died in a car accident my freshman year of highschool. I havent really thought about it in a long time. I havent really had to. Along with that comes every thing else. Dan and Andy who drown freshman year of college, my friend adam who died of cancer, my grandma whom I miss so dearly. It is hard to have them all within the same couple months. It just lumps together and hits so hard sometimes.

I sound like a downer. I am a downer. Oh well.

The past week has been a week of odd emotional rollercoasters. One minute I feel content and confident, the next I am in a sea of confusion and emotional inadequacy. Usually my feet land on the ground but today has been a tough fight for it.

I missed my mom last week. I needed one of her wonderful back massages soooo bad. I hated that I couldnt go home and get one, and then talk for hours. I miss my mom. Dearly.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Take Two

Abilene is taking in evacuees again.

Prayers for the families and the people still stuck in houston and surrounding areas.


Things just add up so quickly...

So I in October Youthworks is coming to promote the summer employee stuff.. which means I "get to" help with promo stuff for their showcase meeting. Basically just fliers etc. and then going to the meeting and fielding questions.

Im also on the Costume Design team for Ethnos now. The crew is awesome and these designs are kickin! Its gonna be an amazing show! Itll be busy though. They want a photo shoot on Sunday. That seems pretty pronto for putting a whole design together but we'll see how it goes..

I have a test in my Mexico Growth and Culture class on monday. Not excited about that.

Oh yah.. singing went pretty well on Wednesday. I think we sounded pretty good. The perfectionist in me has to say we screwed up pretty bad on our third song.. they also apparently didnt know we were doing a closing song and turned off our mikes.. Oh well. It was a good first performance. We sing for Hispanos Unidos Chapel tomorrow.. hopefully that will go better.

It has been so amazing getting to know all these new people this semester. It is really liberating. I dont think I realized how much I sheltered myself. I think thats what I needed the last few years. But right now I can feel that I am right where God wants me to be. Busy and courageous, initiative and completely humbled...

ESL was fun today.. we dont have class on Friday. That makes me sad. But I also dont have nutrition class so its a free afternoon for me. I think. Oh yah except we have a Majors retreat this weekend. So if I dont answer my phone thats why.

My cats are cute.

Today I was looking through my pics of this summer and miss Juarez SOO much. That was the hardest summer ever, and I dont know if I will ever have the strength to do it again, but man it was amazing!!!

I updated some pics onto my webshots... check em out. Ill put apt. pics up soon too. I promise!

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Lots of new stuff has come about this week:

I aced my tests in French and Nutrition. That was quite exciting

I am going to be in the Culture Show.. Support Ethnos! Woot Woot! Ill be dancing with the Brazilian group and maybe acting/singing some as well. We'll see.

I am on the Praise team for Hispanos Unidos. Our first performance is wednesday in chapel. Yah thats right. I and my 7 or so teammates will be singing in front of hundreds of people. Im sorry but that is really weird. It has been years since I have sang in public.

We had a tango "workshop" on Friday night in the UP parking lot. It was a blast. Word to Isaac, Maria, courtney, Tisha and Alex who caught on quick! Y'all rock!

This week is the Study Abroad fair... I get to be susie studyabroad again..

ESL has been going great... We learned colors this week. Try explaining the difference between silver and grey, tan and offwhite, chocolate and brown, and why grey isnt light black or dark white.

My apartment finally smells good again. That makes life easy. Im not going to explain why it smelled so bad.

Thank you to Justin something freshman kid who found my cellphone outside of moody and called Ali. If you want her number gimme a hollah... Alibear rocks. Hahah.

I have no food in my house right now. none. literally. Ok well except soup, stale tortilla chips, and potpies.

I am sick of studying already.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Its been awhile

Man it has been awhile since I have posted.

Classes are going pretty well.. it has been a crazy busy couple of weeks. On top of classes I am assistant teaching an ESL conversation class. It is a lot of fun.. I have three students . Alberik from Burundi, Serge from Rwanda and Pascal from the Congo. They are all sweet guys. Their english is pretty low but we are working on it and they have already improved!! It is weird having an actual job. But it feels really good on the same note.

This week has been a week of new things. I have been trying to go out on a limb socially.. you know like I went to a concert friday where I wasnt sure if I knew anybody going. I have been going to Hispanos Unidos chapel.. where I know people but have met many new faces. I went to the first Study Abroad interest meeting this week and yucked it up about Study Abroad with freshmen, alumni, what have you. It has been really cool. I have made some really good friends, and I am excited about it. It is nice to meet people who are excited about the same things.

God has been stretching me these past few weeks. In so many ways. I have been tested a couple of times too. That has been interesting. Some of you know what I am talking about. Some of you dont..

My mom got hurt last week and I didnt know about it. That is a terrifying feeling. I hate living so far away and being out of the loop. It is so hard to know how she is doing. I worry.. a lot.

My dad is in China. I hope he is enjoying it.

I love my apt. I love living alone. It is amazing. It is messy right now and that drives me nuts.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Un Dia Normal

Pues, hoy decidí que quiero escribir algo en mi blog pero en honor de mi tarea, mi tarea del español, voy a escribirlo en español. Entonces...

Mis clases empezaron ayer.. tengo alguien que conozco en cada clase, y por eso mis clases estan bien. En mi clase de relaciones internacionales, vamos a trabajar con una organizacion que se llama Healing Hands. Esta organizacion ayuda a los misioneros de la iglesias de cristo en todos partes del mundo. Estoy animada que puedo trabajar con esta organizacion.. tambien quiero trabajar con International Refugee Committee, pero no se si voy a tener bastante tiempo por los dos.

Estoy hablando con Eilleen por MSN. Con todo mi ser les extraño a mis amigos en Juarez Mexico. A Juan, a Chiquis, Eilleen, Rosa, Anahy, Raquel y Uliel, sus hijos, a Octavio y Blanco, mi otro novio Viktor y Isai.... y todos! Al Pastor tambien! Quiero visitarles pronto pero tengo que esperar hasta octubre cuando tenemos vacaciones.. que lastima.

Lo siento a los que no se pueden leer en español! Pero que divertido!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

An odd day

So this morning I drove back home from a great two days with mom. The drive home was amazingly easier, despite having the cats too... Yay for having cats now! They will come especially in handy now that I am single. Yes that is right.. stephen and I broke up. It was a hard ending to an amazing relationship. But I really felt God calling me to a season of singleness that I have never had, that I really really need, and hope will bear much fruit. Stephen know I love you dearly. It is my own fault for not taking this time before. I was selfish. I pray for you and your continued wrestling match with God. I hope to see you on the Frisbee field.. I would hate to miss opportunity to be blessed by such awesome role models as the grad guys.. aka you and your roommates and friends. But I understand either way.

I have cats in my apartment.

I have an apartment.

I have a 19 hour semester coming up.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Livin it Sola!

Well I made it back from J town to A town on Tuesday. Stacy and I drove into Abilene from Juarez, got here around five, spent some time with dad and chillaxin around town then eagerly went to bed early. My new apartment is awesome! I love it! And it is amazing being alone! I hope I dont get sick of it! I dont think I will! I have gotten to see brooke, ali, stev and marcus, oh and luke but not really anyone else. Its still kind of early and people are crazy busy.

Our farewell to our community was so hard. I have such amazing relationships with our community in Juarez. The church families, my little KC monsters. It was just an amazing summer with lots of love poured out of all directions. I have been recieving emails from youth all summer, and now from community members!!! I miss Eilleen my favorite enemy! She is like 17 and feisty.. I had such a hard time breaking down her wall but once it crumbled we had so much fun. I miss Rosa, her friendship, our sisterhood and beautiful Anahy. I miss Chito, Chiquis, Reyna, Raquel and Uriel. I miss all of our weekend fun with clubs and soccer games. It is so strange to know the amazing family I have in that city. I hope they come to visit! I hope I can go back soon! Once I get some of these pictures on my computer Ill post them. I dont know when that will be my camera is in the shop again. But hey it has had a rough couple of months ya know?

It is strange to know that I am not going to be living in another country in two weeks. I feel like I should be leaving again. Well tomorrow I am going to missourri but I mean to like you know LIVE. It has been an amazingly challenging 7/8 months.

Spiritually I have really been faced with a lot of challenges. God has been showing me some things.
First is that 4 years ago, one spring break in mexico he ignited a fire in my heart that will never go out. It is a fire for hispanics, spanish, mexico and everything regarding that. God showed me that this passion is a gift and something I need to regard as precious. I see that now. That is obviously something that I need to remember when making decisions and thinking about my future. It is a factor. It is God's will. I don't know what He is going to do with it, but I can't wait to see!

Second I need to find out who I want to be in Christ. Christ is supposed to transform my life into something lovely. I have never given the chance for Him to do that. I need to take time to figure out how my life is integrated into His eternity, not how I integrate or fit Him into my lifestyle.

Third. God is all about relationships. I knew that but this summer made that so clear. This summer I often was running on about 2 hours of sleep because I had been up with community members and then had to keep working the next day. I always wondered when I would be tired. Then it hit me. These relationships are filling me more than actual rest. They are so important that I dont need sleep to ill me all the time. not necessarily that I can abuse my body with the expectation of his continual strength. But that when it comes to building relationships and loving on people, God will always fill you up more than you could ask for.

Four. I know nothing. I am weak. I struggle all the time. I am poor in spirit. and I absolutely do not deserve Gods faithfulness. And yet. He gives it freely. I am still wrestling with what exactly that means. But I do know that it is beautiful.

Five. God is in the midst of it all. He is in my school, my town, he is in Juarez, he is in the clubs, he is in the churches. He was in my Kids Club, and our worksites. Man. He just IS. Thats why he is the I AM. Cuz its true.

Sunday, July 31, 2005


My sister was in the hospital last weekend. I am still pretty frazzled. She was basically paralyzed from the neck down for a decent period of time. I flew mymom out to Phillie to be with her last week. I almost had to go myself. It was a hard hard few days not knowing what was going on with my family. Now my mom is still sick and out there. She is talking about possibly moving/staying in phillie for good. That makes me happy, My mom needs to be around family and friends. More than just gma. Prayers for strength, healing and a good finish to the summer are coveted.

Here I go start the end week of summer.
I love you all.
See you soon

Dios les bendiga!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Tired, exhausted, encouraged, and hopeful.

So we calculated today that we are literally working about 100 hours a week. Despite being exhausted, roasting, farmers tanned like woah, and dirtier than possible, life is amazing in Juarez/El Paso. We have had two weeks of programming at our site so far and it has been amazing. We have had some amazing youth come in, some amazing adult leaders, and an awesome community. Last week we talked about the protection God gives us. We enjoyed dramas and crafts and games about Daniel and the many times God protected him. Our kids have been so adorable in kids club. Some days there are 10 kids, some days there are around 50. Ages range from 1 - 14, and It has been awesome.. I got three full days this week without having to kick anybody our or really discipline much.. it has been great. Our thursday nights we do a footwashing ceremony where we wash the feet of the adult leaders, and then the adult leaders wash the feet of the youth. Every week some of the youth and even adult leaders have washed our feet and prayed over us! What a blessing!!!!! What an encouragement! This week two senior guys named pat and chris washed our feet and prayed the sweetest prayers.. I had been so discouraged but after his prayers, again God showed me why I was in Mexico! It has been so amazing!

I talked to brooke today, bryant this week, and the padres a couple times.. it is good to share stories and let them know Im doin ok.

Stephen left for Africa on Monday and I have already gotten an email saying he is safe that is good to hear. We are in a strange season right now. Doubts about our future are in the air but it isn't a hostile thing, just possibilities to think through. God only knows what will happen and thats the truth.

Well I need to go to the pool and relax... many prayers and much love to all!!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Greetings from Juarez

Man this place is so amazing. Our first week of Youthworks training its over and we are chillin in El Paso before our first week begins. We will be working with site one this week .. Im totally pumped I feel like I am pretty ready to get started. Our community is so awesome.. I love them all so much all already. My staff is awesome. Stacy is amazing.. she is a great girl with a heart striving for God. Josh is awesome, he is such a punk and has a big heart for the people and social justice. Matt is a crazy kid and is so much fun. It is a perfect team.

I got my final grades.. all A's and a B in Pensamiento.. which really infuriates me but Ill deal. The other class that I had to do for the study abroad semester.. the one where I had to write a paper over xmas and a reflection at the end of the semester.. well he didnt ever get my paper when I sent it.. I have no idea what happened. I am really frustrated because I cant get my blasted ACU account to let me send emails.. ugh I hate MyACU.. anyways.. Kevin if you read this I sent you an email from my hotmail account... crap I just realized I never attached the paper.. hahah.. ok Im about to resend it.. heheh

Thursday, May 12, 2005


So I am sitting here at Melody/Deborah's house on the computer with two of the 4 dogs licking my toes and 3 cats running around.. its like heaven.. hahhaha

Yesterday Deb and I went apartment hunting.. by that I mean for about 6 hours we drove around town and got info from like 8 different Apart. complexes... saw some apartments.. and then eventually despite our previously made decisions are now considering being roommates my dad is right.. BLAST... it is So much cheaper.. so now we are waiting for my dad to come into town on monday and help us decide which complex would be the best.. we narrowed it down to two places.. Parkridge Place and Willow crest Apts. They are totally different.. like TOTALLy.. but one is more expensive and nice.. the latter is cheaper but we got to actually see an apt and they are nice.. plus it has a creek! Which is so uncommon in Texas that we want to sign a lease today! hahahahha.. anyways..

Other than all that I got to play disc last much fun.. it felt good to play well.. although I lost energy about a third of the way through and was a lazy bum...

Today we leave for Dallas for my First Aid class tonight and hangin with Bret and Summer this weekend.. I am pumped for that.. I hoep I have neough cash in my account to pay for gas, FA and Six Flags.. Im rather worried actually.. We'll see.. either way itll be fun

I leave for Juarez in Two weeks.. less than that actuallya nd it is making me really nervous...

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Ok.. it is like 7pm sunday. The past few days have been fantastic!

Thursday night.. post Trabajo Final Turn in for Pensamiento.. we frantically searched the Net of Inter for a cabin to stay in when we arrived in Dayman Springs the next morning (the bus left 4 hours later.. 11:30 we were frantic).. at about 9pm we called the lady we had made prior arrangements with and turns out we had a cabin all along. We packed, caught our bus, and 6 hours later deboarded the bus.. turned around and realized we were in the middle of nowhere.. One way was a bridge, the other two streets.. and nothing open. It was afterall 5 in the morning. We walked around the itty bitty town of dayman, picked up some stray dogs, and eventually got invited into a reception area of a cabin that we.. eventually.. ended up staying at because the other place wouldnt let us come in until like late that evening.. SO we got into our newly acquired amazing cabin and slept... ahhh.. then off to the Termas.. which were all pools heated by Hot Spring water and amazing.. for like 10hours we just chilled, sat, talked, laughed, roughhoused in the water and had a blast.. Later we got dinner and jsut all sat around talking and laughing and listening to music..

Yesterday morning I got a Professional MASSage.. it was A - Mazing! then off to the Parque Aquatico. We had a blast there running around, breaking rules on the slides and gawking in nausea at the old OLD men in speedos.. SICK.

We eventually caught our bus back home and arrived early this morning. It was amazing to just chill out and not HAVE TO DO ANYTHING!

So the week begins.. I am tired, but I can sleep and sleep and sleep.

Today we watched Dead Poet's society.. I miss that movie.. it is SO good.

I talked to my mom on the phone I miss her

Sometimes I wonder if I fell off the face of the planet with my friends in Atown.. I know that Jules, Phil, Stephen,Brooke etc didnt forget me.. kristen too.. but I remember when somebody fromt he group left and I didn't hear a WORD about her til she returned, and even then it was different. Maybe this is just me being stupid.. probably... Im alright with either.. it was just a thought..

I miss my mommy

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Finished finished finished!

Just finished my paper and all of the homework I still had to turn in.. Now all I have to do is go to the Catholic University and turn in the paper. Woot! We leave tonight for the Termas.. which is like a ton of pools and waterparks that use the water from the hot springs.. its exciting.. Ill be back sunday morning ready to start packing and relax! I can't believe it is almost time to go home! I am actually kind of nervous to go home which is strange. I am excited to see stephen and such, but I am not looking forward to entering the real world again. I know I will start ordering food in spanish, or answering questions in spanish or the like.. It should be interesting.. I am in the process of making a Compilation CD of pictures from everybody and it is kind of depressing.. we have an amazing group of people here, I will miss everybody so much. It has been an awesome experience and place to spend four months of my life...

On another note.. I have a Spanish interview on Monday for Youthworks. I got an email a few days ago from Leah (YW) asking when I would be home so I can do the interview. I don't get home until the day they send out final placements so they are pulling some strings and calling me all the way in Uruguay to do it. That is insane to me. Five days before final placements are sent out they are interviewing me for the possiblity to work in either Juarez or Tijuana. Thats insane. Oh well.. It is in God's hands and whether I get to work in MX or not Itll be an amazing summer. I was already assuming I wasn't going to be able to. We shall see.. it would be so awesome! and a great way to keep my spanish up. That would be a real test too!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Avid Mate (mah tay) Drinker..

I am officially Uruguaya... Dont know what Mate is? Check it out.. awesome.. you can try some when I come home.. its so good... the only tea I have ever considered enjoying... yummmm...

Merienda Fun!

The past few days have been really awesome.. Thursday night a bunch of us went out to a restaunt called the spaghetteria 23 that had amazing Italian food and awesome service. Despite leaving my purse there (of which I retrieved today) it was great and then we all went home and watched Gladiator.. Great movie.. A nice lil chill night. Then last night ... Friday... we all went to a hill down by the beach that has an amazing view and had a merienda.. aka mate, snacks and such. We sang some songs, played funny games like the HA HA game and then went over to a little lake and rolled down hills.. it was great.. We came home to the guys setting up the projector in the foyer to watch Man on Fire on the CEILING. it was so weird but cool. We layed out mattresses with blankets and pillows and all layed down and watched. Half the people fell asleep at some point but we ddnt start watching it til like 1am so it was warranted..

Today has been a day of homework. I am trying to get my Pensamiento paper started. Ive already had to change my topic, of which im not even sure I can do.. I had to email my teacher to find out if it is ok. I hope it is cuz I have already been researching it.. anyways.. Im pretty pumped for the next week to be over. Cuz its exam week so when it is over I am so almost home! We have some small travel plans but other than that its all relaxing, and packing!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Levelling out

Is that spelled right? Levelling? oh well.. it looks like a cool word. The point is things are going better this week. Getting homework done. Studying hard. We went to the beach and played frisbee some yesterday. I feel sore and its great. We had a scavenger hunt around town for our Art class today. We went around town to go find buildings of certain architectural designs. It was fun. I was with Jeremy and Quaid. We wouldve won.. maybe.. if we hadn't taken that slow bus.. but then again spending more money on a cab for the sake of the victory (of which no prize was given) wouldnt have been worth it.

Oh yah. I woke up this morning went to the bathroom and Haley was like uhh.. go back to the room and look in my bed. I did. Daniel slept in her bed last night. She slept in his. He wanted to hear this so called "phyllis talking crazy in her sleep" for himself. It was a very strange morning. Im a little off. It was really funny though.. Samanta wants to sleep in here tonight. I feel like a freak show. It doesn't feel too great. But atleast my life has purpose. hmm...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Projects Galore...

We got back grades on our first big project of the semester.. It was a presentation on MERCOSUR.. not an interesting topic at first, but you add in some jeopardy and you got some flare.. we put a LOT of work into it, and I was proud of the powerpoints I made for it.. we had a great group who worked hard to get it all together.. We got a 100%. Crazy what hard work'll get ya. I have my second big group project this afternoon.. I still have a lot to research and get prepared but it should be interesting. The project is on New Age and how it relates to Christianity and Culture. I went to a Santeria shop yesterday with Cristina and bought a deck of Tarot Cards. Haven't seen any in about 7 years or so.. kinda nostalgiac for me. It was funny to walk through the store and go we had that book, we had those candles, that insence, those oils are good for this ailment, Runes! It was funny. Cristina was a little bewildered by it all. I am so grateful for all the epics of experiences I have had. It is amazing how much I more I appreciate the faith I have come to claim in my life. Being able to see it in relative to other things and faiths I myself have been a part of. It really helps you see why you believe what you believe. My faith has a foundation I have never experienced before. There is Truth there, not just ideas swirling around... Anyway.. I am allowed an opportunity to share a little bit of these ideas today.. I hope we can do a good job of representing New Age Spirituality well and what Christians should consider when thinking about it. Its another easily generalized religion lumped in with wicca and satanism. It is very much different from those although its histories can be traced to both and other neo pagan religions. If you want info... email me.. ask me.. whatever.

What it all comes down to is that God is my shelter, bedrock, salvation. Thats all. And I am glad.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Estancia Fun!

Yesterday was a blast! We went to the Estancia Arteaga for a day and it was so fun! We had a total of about 5 hours of riding, bfast, asado for lunch, mirienda,dancing, music, and we got to play with a wild tarantula! Craziness! Today Haley and I were planning on a day long beach relaxation.. but we went for an hour and it started sprinkling.. so now I am condemned to homework.. yuck.. oh well..

Topic of conversation on the two hour van rides yesterday:

- corny ways we have been "asked out" in high school, middle school etc,
- prom invitations/assumtions/activities
- dumb breakups.... mostly "worst" stories
- he said- she said middle school conversations
- embarrassing moments

its amazing the things that can define you, change you, loosen you up a bit... As much as I don't miss all the drama of high school.. I appreciate how much I learned from it. I think I came out ahead... I don't feel tarnished by a crappy high school experience, despite painful days, weeks, months.. and uncomfortable situations. Bad decisions ended up opening my eyes to so much of the world, and so much of who I was and want to be.

It always reminds me of how lucky I am to have been able to go through the experiences I have. I am not jealous of the rich, or the families who "grew up in church" or anybody who has never "lost" anyone. I am not jealous of people who haven't experienced anything traumatizing or painful. I feel bad for what they have missed out on. I am not trashing those groups of people. I know many in each category who are wiser than I could ever hope to be.

Brooke for example is someone I have so much respect for. She has had great life, but lived it... and she is wiser for it. She has her head on straight and it didn't have to get knocked around to get there... You are a blessed girl and Im proud to be your friend.

Then there are the people whom I have sympathy for. Daniel was one. Ive talked to him about it before. He has had a relatively easy life and knows it. Christian family, happy home, normal siblings, good highschool, good friends, never really had to persevere through much. (Daniel you know Im not doggin ya. youre a great guy, we've had this convo before:P) Yet with the amount of blessings he has he missed a lot as well. I remember him saying he felt like he was never pushed into finding himself cuz he just never had anything to face. That sucks. Im not saying I hope people die around him, or whatever.. but I hope that he will have to face obstacles soo that God can open his eyes to who he is.. for his sake. Not saying he's a big fat jerk and I wish he would see that. Not saying that! I do mean that he deserves to be able to struggle with God a little, not against, but beside God. The "pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."(James 1:2-4). Man I love that verse. I feel like it represents a lot of me. My hope is that I can be come complete through trials. That in every trial I can see which part of me is being molded, or atleast trust that it is happening whether I see it or not. It makes the rough times bearable, and it makes this world a lot easier to live it.

Anyway.. That is my thought train of the day. I seem to be thinking about this a lot. Throughout life this verse and verses like it come back to me. I wonder why :P

Love to all

Friday, April 08, 2005

Planners... yay

Wow.. this weekend should zoom... Today we have lunch..yum..then all are planning on doing a walking tour to the Prado to see the Museo de Bellas Artes, the Botanical Gardens and go to an upscale tea house.. apparently. Then we are all gonna come back and later tonight we are going to a lounge/club thing... it is supposed to be really cool. Nice and chill but a lot of fun and an awesome view of the river/ocean thing. Next week I have two big projects due and a lot of little homework stuff. Yuck. We only have two weeks of classes left.. thts insane. Ill have another project due the following week, and next weekend is our 'survival' weekend.. yuck. Im not looking forward to that at all.. but oh well.. Ill take it for what it is.. Last night after dinner and a couple episodes of seinfeld with Lucas, we watched Wimbledon... Man.. I love that movie... I was the only girl in the room that thought the guy was beautiful. They were all like "too skinny" "too old" "receding hairline" "weird looking"... I was like blond,blue eyes, athletic, tall, and just beautiful.. I couldn't believe it!! Maybe Im just weird... I dont know... but hey I think I have great taste.. and if not.. oh well.. I still like it! hahah... 28 days..... (Insert stephen blush here)

Monday, April 04, 2005

WOW Congrats to Phil and Jenna..

Doo Doo Doo.. another one bites the dust!

So Phil and Jenna are engaged. WOW. Being gone that one was a total surprise. Congrats kids!

So this weekend has been pretty nice. All day Friday and Saturday constituted of me relaxing, shopping or sitting. Very nice. I am just an exhausted person. In general. Overall things are going well here though. I have been a good girl and have been pretty industrious getting projects worked on and getting details hammered out for Youthworks although I STILL DONT KNOW WHERE I WILL BE THIS SUMMER. No frustration there though.. The longest drive is 19 hours.. I can hack that with a pit stop in Nashville or Mommas house in KC.

Ive been trying to put together some of my Powerpoint for my scholarship follow up project. I realized that that will be due in like november, but that it isn't just due, I have to present it by then. Which means it needs to be prepared by school starting in August. Yah thats a lot of time, but it kind of isn't when you take away May through school starting cuz of Youthworks and moving into the apartment Ill be getting.. when I ever get it, if I find it .. which I will.

Not that he'll read this, but it is Thomas, stephens brothers, birthday today. I assume he is 17. I think that is right. Not sure. Thats awesome. Makes me feel old. Bet stephen feels REALLY old. haha. Anyway.. Hes a crazy fun kid whom I am proud to know!!! Plus he has great taste! Woot! so HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is Tuesday. I swear yesterday was thursday and I was excited for the weekend. This weekend went by like lightning. This week is gonna be busy too. We go to the Estancia this weekend too.. that means a ranch, so we'll be riding horses and seeing a show and such. I'm super pumped for that. should be fun. Ill be home a month from Wednesday. That sounds like a lot. And then you say Ill be home four weeks from Friday. That sounds like nothing.

I found out we are having exams the week BEFORE we leave. Which means I technically only have two weeks of classes, exam week, and fun week. Thats NOTHING. Craziness.

As you can tell I am rather pumped to come home. Its great here and all. But Im restless. This has been one of the most amazing experiences, and it continues to be a blast day by day.. but when the day comes to get on that plane, fly home, see stephen and sleep on somebody's couch, I will be smiling. A lot.

Goodnight to all. Sleep tight.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Its April.. Wow

Umm... not really sure what to think today. Its April Fool's Day. I hate April Fool's Day. Im so weird about pranks. I used to be soooo up for them. But this year I have purposely decided to be party pooper Phyllis and stay out, WAY out of the prankage. I put threats on lives last night as we locked our door (and window) in order to keep at bay the possibily of property prankage. So far I have come out unharmed. I am such a weirdo.

Today is a weird day.. not doing so well on the feeling well scale. Again I praise God I am female, but wish I could deck Eve for makin life so freakin difficult for the chicks! I mean really.. millions, and billions and billions of women around the world probably want to twack her ear for every emotional rollercoaster, every irrational thought, every cramp, every pair of jeans that didnt fit once a month, and every child they had to endure birthing. (Can I get an Amen Ladies? and those males that also had to endure) End.

So back to april...
that means that basically next week we have a trip to an estancia
the week after is our survival weekend at our peoples houses
and then there are two weekends free... to sit. doubtful.
Then I come home... Thursday the fifth we fly out and get to Dallas on the morning of the 6th..

So I will be in America on my sisters birthday! Surprise!! hehehe...
Crazy, five weeks from today. I have a lot of gifts to buy. Yikes.

I love you and miss you all..

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Vegetable Day

Today was pretty chill...

Did homework, took naps, got hamburguesas with buds, watched about a boy on tv, a little Joey, and some One Tree Hill to chill. Later we are apparently dying easter eggs although Im kind of thinking about just crashing way early tonight to catch up on needed sleep. Who knows...

I did my presentation on the stuff earlier posted today in class. I think it turned out pretty dumb. I just dont stop talking, and it is boring to the world except for me... so anyway apparently dualism isn't the most interesting topic to most people. I liked reading it, its stuff Ive never thought in those ways before.

Got to talk to stephen the other day for a REALLY long time. That was so nice. I miss that kid. I miss people who understand my humor and I can just totally be myself with. I love everybody here but I can't really be me here. Noone gets me, and its hard to show to them cuz we are all so different.

On a different note I am on a mission to carve out time for God now. I have started a prayer list that has different things for different days. Like different people, ministries, even areas of the world. I am going to try to pay attention to it as much as possible but I dont expect perfection.

I am officially impatient about Youthworks, I still dont know where I am goign to be this summer. I am trusting that I will find out soon enought to figure out how to get there but it may be a freaking long road trip. Oh well God is good, and I am trusting Him ith this summer completely.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Happy Easter and whatnot...

Today has been a weird day thus far. Had some strange dreams involving flying, and other strange things. Lunch was good as usual. I missed Raquel. Im just in a funk I think. Im so not up for doing homework tonight.. YUCKY...

Last nights UK vs. MSU game was AMAZING!!! I couldn't believe it! I was up in the TV room with Andy and Alex (both of whom were UK fans). Craziness! That crazy three point shot into overtime, then MSU kickin in Double OT for the win! Man! I was very happy. Jumping screaming, trash talking the works. hahahah... Ive only become a basketball fan since last summer, but I have missed watching anything other than socer. Which I haven't watched much of either. We did watch the Chile/Uruguay game sat. night which was awesome. The restaurants all have big screens on for big games and they get PACKED. The game didn't start till midnight and everyone was crazy until it ended at like 2! We go to a Uruguay game on Wednesday in Montevideo... Should be nuts!! Im pumped for that! If anyone has any times for the final four games this weekend let me know! Im out of the loop....

Ended up talking to stephen for a really long time yesterday on the phone.. man this Skype thing is crazy cheap.. we only spent like 3 euros on the plethora of calls yesterday! Insane.. that wouldve been like a 200 buck phone call...

Christ vs. Culture

So for my Christianity and Culture class we are reading a book that explains different views on the subject of Christianity and/or/both/with culture. The chapter I have to present is on what they call a dualistic approach (not the same as Dualism, just a term they are using for this idea). Some of it is ringing within me and makes me smile that I would get this chapter rather than ones on gnostics, synthesists or others. God is continually showing me more of what I believe in concrete ways, putting words to feelings, etc. Here are some things I have read:

" The conflict is between God and man, or better, between God and us: the issue lies between the righteousness of God and the righteousness of self. "

On Culture:
"He knows that he belongs to that culture and cannot get out of it, that God indeed sustans him in it and by it; for if God in His grace did not sustain the world in its sin it would not exist for a moment"
Pauls ideas: " As far as this world was concerned it was their task to work out their salvation, and their gift to live in the spirit of Christ in whatever community or station in life they had been apprehended by the Lord."

As Christians in Culture:
"As Christians we want to be the forgivers of sins, the lovers of men, new incarnations of Christ, saviors rather than saved; secure in our own possession of the true religion, rather than dependent on a Lord who possesses us, chooses us, forgives us. If we do not try to have God under our control, then at least we try to gve ourselves the assurance that we are on His side facing the rest of the world; not with the world facing Him in infinite dependence, with no security save Him."

"He is standing on the side of man in the encounter with God, yet seeks to interpret the Word of God which he has heard coming from the other side. In this tension he must speak of revelation and reason, of law and grace, of the Creator and Redeemer. Not only his speech is paradoxical under these circumstances, but his conduct also.

He is under law, and yet not under law but grace; he is sinner, and yet righteous; he believes, as a doubter; he has assurance of salvation, yet walks along the knife-edge of insecurity. In Christ all things have become new, and yet everything remains as it was from the beginning. God has revealed Himself in Christ, but hidden Himself in His revelation; the believer knows the One in whom he as believed, yet walks by faith not sight."

I don't know.. this is a lot and kind of all out of context for y'all, but they were just some ideas that stuck out to me... I think the tension the author speaks about is real and needed for Christians to appreciate the gift of Grace they have been given, but also the sturdy Rock they stand on. We need to be confident that we are dependent on someone else, but confident that that that someone else is completely and utterly faithful in return. Our faith is only a reflection of His unending faithfulness.

This is really the only part of the book I have enjoyed, although some of the other viewpoints are kind of interesting. If you want to read it:
Christ and Culture by H. Richard Niebuhr.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Bob Mersereau.. always a light.

I just got an email from a youth group leader back home saying that one of my favorite people is in the hospital and isnt going to make it. His name is Bob Mersereau, he is an amazing old man, husband to an amazing woman, and a pillar of faith in my life. When I was in highschool he came with us to Mexico. They were like 70 or something and were amazing. He has always remembered my name and given the best advice and the best hugs. He let us use his cottage for youth group so he could be around us, pray for us and serve us. Despite the fact that I hate to hear he isnt going to make it. I praise God that he is the man that he is. He deserves to rest from his life of service. I hope he knows we are proud of him and are impatient to see him again. Thank God for amazing people like Bob and his family. I hope someday I can be as proud of my life and service as he is. I hope someday people are happy for me to go rest too... God be with that family, continue to encourage them and others with their faith....

Bariloche SBO5

So here we are in bariloche. Been here since saturday night and have had a blast. we leave tomorrow... im sad to miss the relaxin and the cool people but pumped for an empty house and banana splits..

so far we have done some tours, "fishing", death by rafting, and some horseback riding. Plus hittin up the popular pub and meeting some awesome people.. shopping galore and relaxing ALOT. Its amazingly beautiful here and nice and cold.. mmmmmm..... no snow though..

I will post more tomorrow when we get back but know that I am alive and will return tomorrow. Parentals and Stephen feel free to call or email to be called on sunday.. we may go to the beach in the afternoon but night will be open untill late most likely.. LOTS O HOMEWORK

Love yall!

Friday, March 18, 2005

St Paddy's Day fun!

We all went to Ciudad Vieja last night and had a lot of fun! Went out dancing after and me some cool people... all in all it was pretty nuts. There were soooo many English speakers out cuz of the holiday party at the Irish Pub.. The Uruguayans thought it was some sort of birthday party. Nobody knew what St. Patricks day was, and it was hard to explain to them.. needless to say it was fun...

We leave tomorrow morning for Bariloche, Argentina. It is our spring break trip. I am sooo excited to go. There is a lot to do and it will be nice and cool while we are there. We get back next saturday so don't expect much email or blog action until then. I will post pics when I get back...

I got my hair cut. Its ok.. I like the color more than the cut but its cool.. It looks a lot like it did like a month ago.. but a little more textured.. Uruguayans cut their hair weird. Atleast its cheap.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


So today was spent attempting to nap in my room, whilst my roommate attempted the same, much to our dismay this said nap did not occur due to constant nostalgic(sp?) longings that were swirling uncontrollably through our minds....

Hence lists:
I miss:
Taco Bell... oh double decker supreme no tomatoes and a mountain dew with REFILLS
Walmart.. anything, everything
McDonalds.. though they are here, they dont understand me!!
Quiet, alone time, being alone, being lonely,
My cats, my mom, stephen, brooke, RM, Jules, Whit, Stev, Erin, dad, stephen's roommates.
My cochita... driving, leaving ON TIME.. arriving ON TIME.. my CD's
Ultimate...mmmmm.. physical activity in general seems to have ceased.
English libraries, magazines, tv, radio

I cant wait to:
see people when I get back..
get my apartment when I get back in august
buy a coffee maker... I feel so domestic
have my cats in my apartment (SOOO PUMPED)
Live next to Brooke and Michelle (if Im so lucky:P)
chill out with stephen, go to abuelos, see bret and summer etc.
leave for youthworks and have an amazing summer
be active.. at anything.. I want to play volleyball more next sem! or tennis!
sleep in my OWN ROOM

Im too lazy to think of anymore...

Our friends from Mendoza are in town tonight. we're gonna hang out with them after our last tango class tonight.. sad.. oh well we're going dancing again this weekend before spring break stuff! WOOT WOOT!

not looking forward to:
19 hours next semester
not talking to stephen whilst he is in Sudan/Uganda/Europe(arg :P)
driving across town to classes
taking Adv. Spanish Grammar YUCKY YUCKY
no dulce de leche, crappy steaks and less dancing
flat texas compared to amazing SA
not seeing my parents until... whenever.
RM deciding not to come to ACU next semester
coming back to half my friends graduated or "married off"

Monday, March 14, 2005

Poor kid..

I just got off a creaky internet phone with stephen... well this was last night, but still.. that poor kid was sick as a dog, and sounding pitiful. He has a midterm today too! These are the times it makes it difficult to be away! If I was home I wouldve been at his house last night whether he liked it or not... sprite, crackers and lots and lots of sympathy. I also probably woulve shown up at his house with something insane today.. like a new squirtgun for him, or cowboy gear.. you know all those fun things the dollar store has to offer. I have always wanted to get and keep for more than five minutes a princess crown.. that or a cowboy holster... maybe some handcuffs to add some FLAVA. Nonetheless.. i did not purchase these items, there was no sprite and crackering... Sorry honey... feel better.. I miss you.. I love you dearly!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Schedule for next semester... looks.. fun.

So I figured out my schedule for next semester.. sadly.

Monday(MWF) Tuesday Thursday
8am 8am Adv. Spanish Grammar
9am French I 930 Mexico: Growth and Culture
10am Nutrition
11am Chapel 11am Chapel
2pm German
3pm Gymnastics(MWonly)
630 International Relations(M only)

What does all that mean? 19 hours, classes in 4 different languages including english.

BUT! I have Tues, Thurs, Friday afternoons totally free after lunch. Which is INCREDIBLY exciting. I have almost an identical schedule to last semester. I almost attempted to have tuesday thursdays free, but upon reconsidering I realized if I plan to live across town there IS NO WAY i will want to go to chapel on TR's.... so here it is. Im excited. RM is taking tumbling with me... and the language classes will be fun. I might even let stephen audit french since there is only one section (much to my dismay :P). Who knows.. maybe a little competition will be good for me... Id love to beat the "grad student" and wouldnt feel too bad if he did better.. he does have his bachelors after all.. either way despite, uncomfort.. it would be win win for me.

We found out today that the Roanes are no longer going to be doing study abroad Montevideo after this semester. Which means the program might "die unless we can do something about it. That makes me sad. We are having a meeting tonight for ideas. I hope we can do something. Besides I have to do a project anyway for my Gilman Scholarship.. if theres no program.. what can I promote?

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Feeling Techno Savvy

So I added a banner on my site, and for short that means I feel so cool that I know how to do that! Woot! anyway.. its for Its this program you download and if other people are on it too (and have microphones) you can chat and talk free like phone calls. Plus even if they dont they have SUPER low international call rates worth using. i spent the past hour calling family from UY for less than 2 or 3 bucks... thats HUGE.... so check it out.. I recommend it. My prof here in UY told me about it and uses it for work/business stuff. and family too.. hehe...


So fun

So last night we all went out to some tango clubs... oh my goodness so much fun. We met a group of people.. and danced with them a lot. It is so much fun to learn from them! The guys we danced with were tango teachers too and so they were so nice and i learned more last night than all 4 of our classes. I learned the milongue too! I am incredibly sore today though, butt hips, arm calves,, EVERYTHING.. dancing is rough man! Im pumped to go again sometime!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Motorcycle Diaries

Yes ... this movie is REALLY GOOD.. the group watched it last night. Good message, good content... it was neat to see places we've been in the movie too! And places we'll go!

Today we went to the beach.. ahhhh it felt so good. Did some tumbling, a lil vball, a lil swimmin... good stuff...apparently we are going out dancing tonight, tango then the normal club... Im hungry and off to get some comida....

Tomorrow is dia del pelo for me.. im getting a haircut.. woot woot! Not sure what Im gonna do.. Im so tempted to chop it all off again, but I miss my long hair too.. hmmmmmmmmm

Thursday, March 10, 2005

CasaPueblo in Punta del Este ... yah thats right.. i took that picture..  Posted by Hello

Me and my horsy Clarita... in the Andes.. in Mendoza Argentina...  Posted by Hello

Best Birthday cake ever!!!  Posted by Hello

Hot Phyllis and Haley... yes... those ar heels, a skirt and even makeup... RARE Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Drama ensues at CasaACU.

God we all need a little patience, a little humor, a touch of maturity and some time to breathe.

I love everybody here, I am sad drama is occuring. I guess it will blow over. We have made it this far with nothing too big happening. Oh well. Thats life with 12 college kids in one house. We haven't quite made Real World status yet. Not even close. Thats a relief.

Interesting possibilities

So I was thinking today about the trip we made last week, and the cool people we met in the hostels.

What an amazing ministry you could make of hostels. Most people that go there are from all over the world and are basically looking for their purpose, their desires. Many people are "escaping" from purposeless lives in order to be "free" from the world. I think God has opened my eyes to an amazing opportunity here. I don't know if it is something feasible.. but it is a different way to look at travelling. I wonder if there are any people in the world looking for a relaxed internship or mission field that is incredibly flexible and fun. Just hop a plane to whereever and start ministering. Just go anywhere, find a hostel and start meeting people.. start making friends, developing relationships, groups, getting contact info, and spending time with people that are searching for inspiration in other people, nature, anything. What an amazing thing it would be to go trekking for a few days in Gods beautiful creation and have the opportunity to share your purpose and your desires with people who need it. Hmmmm...

Something to think about. Something to offer up for discussion. Something to offer up to God in prayer.

On another note. I am sick today. I think my allergies are attacking because its rainy and crappy. This is the first time I have been sick sick in awhile. Sad. oh well.. im off to stuff!

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Hey y'all, I have returned from Mendoza with Alex. I just got off the phone with Padre and things are going well. It feels amazing to have a quiet house.. So the weekend went:

We got on our Buquebus and Bus to Mend. fine. I met a girl on our bus that was from South Lyon Michigan.. she knows russ somehow but doesnt know how.. very strange... very very strange. We met A LOT of michiganders and Californians... We also met a bunch of norwegians and belgiums that were awesome people. Our hostel was nice, had lots of winetasting and a pool. It also had a lot of ants, but only in MY BAG. SIck. My legs are now spotted with fire ant pussy bites that itch and make my legs swell. oh well.. theyll go away eventually. Thursday we went to the Parque General de San Martin and got to just chill walking, relaxing, in the beauty of mountains, lakes and TREES MMMMM.... We went out to dinner and got Birthday ice cream and tried some amazing wine.. Mendoza is famous for their wines and was in the midst of the Vendiminia.. or wine festival. CRAZY. Friday was awesome.. we went on a day long excursion by horseback into the andes mountains. BEAUTIFUl. Pics will be posted ASAP... Our guide Cecilia was a sweet funny lady and ALL GAUCHO..(cowgirl). The guy that owned the estancia (ranch) was named Cata and wore a blue beret and cooked AMAZING asado! and this vegetable thing that had steamed carrots, zuchini, onion, potato, pumpkin, eggplant, and oregano.. oh MAN it was good. then that night we went out to the winetasting/ tango party at the hostel, met a tn of norwegans and belgiums and then went out with them to the pubs. It was a lot of fun. No I did NOT get wasted. I did however take a sip of this drink from Chile that was soooo sweet and sour. Saturday we accidentally wasted three hours on a bus with an angry driver trying to go to a vineyard to no avail. Blasted bad directions and unhelpful people. It was an adventure nonetheless. We bought some wine to take home to people, I bought a few awesome handcrafted necklaces... a good day altogether.. a great weekend. Now we are back home chillin. I am tired a little. I am hungry and craving hamburguesas.. mmmmmmmm...... k Im gonna go get some money and some food... PEACE

Oh yah.. and Im 20 now. Yikes

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Try Again

So I have been attempting to posty pics of the Presidential Inauguration and a post about it but it hasnt been working.. so I will attempt when I return from Argentina. but for now...

We leave in about 5 minutes for Mendoza Argentina. Our tickets were finalized yesterday, our hostel was reserved about an hour ago. Other than the rushing its all coming together and I am totally pumped about it....

If anyone needs to get a hold of me the number and details about the hostel we are staying in are at:

Love yall! Hope you have a great weekend!

Happy Bday to me tomorrow.. oh and I will be able to check email all weekend.. so send away!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Not Twenty "Something".. just twenty.

Well my birthday is this week.. It is on thursday.. I am kind of nervous to be 20. There is something sad about losing the "Teen" title and being in your twenties (and yet it feels GREAAAT). Even though Im not sure 20 counts as twenties yet.. i dont know.. its like being 12.. you want to be a teen so bad but your just not there yet. I feel like 20 is the step to twenties.. like 20s with training wheels. I don't know.. hmmm... strange to think ive been around for two decades, 3 presidents (5 terms), lots of bad music, and most importantly have survived and learned from bombings, crashes, wars,wrecks, sicknesses, relationships, and the God of my life.

Life is something so strange.. who knew at 19 years and 361 days I would be sitting in Montevideo, Uruguay reeling from a long weekend in Buenos Aires, Argentina, putting off homework for a class in a university that would forever impact my faith and life. Who knew I would be in a relationship with the most handsome man ever (:P), have fantastic friends, and be enthralled by a God who knows this is what I was created for. Despite my few years I feel I have lived through a lot thus far.. and despite the hard HARD times, I would never trade a second of it for a "sunshine and daisies" type o life. I am nervous for twenty, but I am excited for another 10 years of Amazing, another few decades of His grace, and a couple more generations of "Perseverence brings Character"... cuz wow.. it is always worth it. Always. He is always worth it.

PS. I miss stephen a little today. I thought of our date at the zoo today and the giraffe that has to make out with the cement overpass all day. What a strange zoo Abilene has.

LONG weekend

So we went to Buenos Aires this weekend. It was a good weekend.. We got to see a lot of the city. Friday night we went to a Tango show with a tango band and proffessional dancers. That was fun and had GREAT food. Saturday we saw Evitas Tomb or whatever which was intersting and went to a feria and the Fine Arts museum. At the feria I found this AMAZING artist that makes beautiful paintings of tango dancers and music stuff.. I WILL buy from him. He gave me his card so I am going to order something from him. Dad you would LOVE the art down here. it is amazing. I will post the link to his site later.. After ALLLL of that we all got dressed up pretty and went to the Teatro Colon(Coolest old theatre! like 5 floors of balconies.. awesome!) downtown on 9 de Mayo (Widest street in the world like 20 lanes or so.. not that they care about the lanes when they drive.. scary).. and saw the Philharmonic Orchestra of Buenos Aires. It was a lot of fun.. although my shoes KILLED. I ran/limped back to the hotel and changed into more comfy stuff before meeting everyone around the corner at dinner. Its nice having our hotels in the center of town EVERY TIME.. go macaROANIE..
We went to the zoo too.. that was kind of depressing, dirty, and well tiring.
After that Alex and I raced to the bus terminal dragging poor ali and chery with us.. ran in searched for places that sold bus tickets to mendoza and purchased in a rush tickets for this week (fourty bucks! How cheap!). Its like a nice double decker charter with dinner, bfast, and snacks.. plus a movie and its overnight.. Im pumped for this week now! All we have to do is get the hostel and the Buquebus lined up and it will all be set! Good thing we have two full days to do it!hahah
It always comes together! It just does!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Softest Nearness

I decided to write a song today:

The Softest Nearness by Phyllis Chill

Sometimes I wonder about you
I wonder how you know my heart is broken,
Sometimes I fall into your arms
and rest like I never have before
and Today My heart is in a million places.
But mostly its home with you Lord.

I could sing your song.. I could sing of your light.
And yet the darkness is where I find you near.
In these times when my heart is aching,
I find you.You wait. You are softest here.
And here I am again with you Lord.

Most say that everything I pray
Should be for the best and the most I could get
But all that I want from you
Is love and strength and to feel you again

I could sing your song today.
While my heart it is every place
I learn of the depth of you, it never ends.
And here I am with you, never alone..

How difficult to comprehend the majesty of You.

A Day at CasaACU

I woke up today very tired. last night Ali was in my room as we were trying to do our spanish homework (up in the heavens in my bunk bed). After about three falls, a spilled coffee mug, a room smelling of butt and caffeine we called it quits with little work accomplished. Class was long this morning, but the bizcochos and coffee made me smile and I aced my quiz. After my morning nap ... ahhhh.... I woke up to our sauna of a room despite two fans and an open window. Ugh its like 95 degrees out.. Devo was good, we sang some songs in spanish.. fun times... and lunch was FANTASTIC as usual..... empanadas, rice and veggies, FANTA, and the beautiful faces of Raquel y Mariela. Sweet sweet women. I am sitting here procrastinating against my homework with a newly cleaned room, a shorter list of to-do's and a guitar playing worship songs in the background. What about this day makes me lazy? All of it... Warm, music, relaxed, at peace. After the horrible week I made for myself (due to emotional overload and procrastination of homework and "things to do") I am finally at rest. God is Good. We leave for Buenos Aires tomorrow morning. I am happy about that. Next week Alex and I go to Mendoza for the weekend while everyone goes to Paraguay.. I am glad we are taking an individual trip. I need a break from the group outings.. some silence and relaxation. Should be fun.

Siiiiggggghhhhh... Homework time.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Mix and Match

I feel like writing centered today.
I went shopping today
Bought some freakin awesome heels for Tangoing.
I look HOT. And TALL.
My mother is stubborn.
I love her dearly.
I talked to stephen last night.
Until like 3am.
I just got into a conversation with the group about big rich churches
expanding their church, buying awesome stereo systems, etc.
I got riled up and ranted a little about how that is
dumb in my eyes. Im sure the poor man
down the street thinks the
look fantastic.
So do the hamburgers
that the construction men were
eating on the roof while building it. Oh well.
Maybe someday that man will get to go in the church
and get to taste and see how good the Lord was to the church
building. I bet his daughter will love the shiny cars
and the bathroom with marble sinks. I am
such a punk about this kind of
stuff sometimes. I
blame stephen
for always being in
agreement about this subject.
I agree that sometimes big churches have
the right ideals. Prestonroad in Dallas for example I
believe has their heads screwed on straight. I am all
for more and more people coming to church, to Christ. I am not
all about churches taking that as they found the "key to evangelism".
Maybe I am cynical of hearts in a community where people may not know the
person two pews away. Maybe I need to be open to God being able to
do amazing things with generous and united congregations. But
maybe American churches need to rethink their values
and how they go about putting those into practical
ministries. Maybe I need to start walkin the
walk along with all this talk. Maybe
I am getting sick of this
centered zig
zag crap.

Monday, February 21, 2005


Romans 12

2.Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

4 Just as each of us has one body with many members and these members do not all have the same function
5 so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others

Man.... I just.. phew... I dont know what it is about Romans that sometimes you just let free in it and feel like your floatin around a big refreshing pool.

Those are challenges for me. To a lot of people they are fluffy little verses that are pulled out when people are being tempted, or are being selfish. To me ... they are HUGE challenges.

1. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world.
That is hard enough. this world is full of things I enjoy. Movies, music, indulgences, and most of all a comfy individualism that I sometimes thoroughly enjoy having ingrained in me. Not only does it say try not to fall into the worlds habits but moreso DO NOT CONFORM ANY LONGER. thats like now. Like stop... no seriously... stop. And as difficult as that is I not only understand but long to not feel like I am conformed to the pattern of the world. How are we as Christians, as lights, salt, etc going to stick out and show people we have something different, something Magnificent if we conform and blend in so well with the rest of culture. How then can we impact the nations? How can we show other countries that being a Christian doesnt mean being American, and being American doesn't mean being a Christian. Sadly those things tend to blend a little in the international and even domestic attitudes.

2. But be transformed
Ok.. stop conforming.... now be transformed. Well yes but how... How do we allow ourselves to be transformed from the ways of the world in practical, obvious but not "showy" or "look at me .. I love Jesus" sing songy ways. I don't want to be a WWJD wearin, devo devouring, tract toting psycho with a lot of words but no personal emotional spiritual transformation. It seems like people assume when the previously stated changes become noticeable one is a "good cool christian". Ok.. along with every other person in the culture who has their "style" but no passion for His children. I want my transformation to be apparent in how I react to situations, how I encompass Christ's passion for life, death and most importantly His resurrection of people. I see life come out of death all the time. Why cant our transformations include being dirty and smiling about it. What a challenge to become transformed in a way inspires transforming others.

3. Renewing of your mind
Now this is even more interesting. I forget this part a lot. I stop doing this a lot. And then I go through times where I am doing things like this. Where a verse begins to become clear, practical and impacting. What all constitutes renewing. I don't think having a daily devo, and going to church every sunday is what he's talking about here. In my eyes it is things like going to places you haven't been, spending time with different people, spending time with children and older adults, learning new skills, getting involved in ministries, services, and non profits. Renewing of your mind seems more like getting yourself out of the groove youve made from pacing in the world. Right now I feel like Im in that process. Renewing myself through new experiences, challenges, and opportunities to praise Him.

God is so good. Today was a rough day but I feel like I have met some challenges emotionally that I have been ignoring for awhile. Thank you for renewing my mind and strength continually God. Its good to know I am not alone in this foreign country. Im glad you are experiencing life with me.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Punta Del Este

Well us girls finally got our weekend. We went to Punta for Friday and Saturday and had a blast.

We chilled out in town, checked in to our semi crappy but central Hostel, and went to the beach. Cristina Samanta and I went on a citi tour all over the town and got to see some cool stuff including CasaPueblo which I have pics on webshots of. Its this artist guys house. We were there for the sunset and they had a recording of a poem playing about the sunset that coincided with the setting and it was awesome. Beautiful.

We met a really cool guy from South Carolina that has been travelling for months in S.A. Hes gonna be in Montevideo this week so we're gonna show him around town.

Saturday we were at the beach all day and had a great time relaxing then headed to get some pizza and waste time before our bus got there at 11:30pm.

Great weekend, great girl time, girl talk and a chance to get to know each other even better.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Jamesy Poo

In our devo we were reading from first james about temptations and such and my eyes wandered up the page to the beginning of James one...

"Consider in pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds.. etc.... The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position.... "

.... why dont people talk about these more often.. is it because we aren't in those positions.... is it because we feel like we are "blessed enough not to have to face trials". I face trials every day, some easy some hard. I can usually, post trial, take joyin it but I struggle with the different kinds of trials I face. It seems like people see trials as things like temptations, mourning, injuries, divorces, being poor, or otherwise.

I struggle with having money more than when I don't have it. I struggle with not feeling like I have enough courage to go talk to someone. I struggle with wanting to see you before seeing my family. I hate that to some those are petty, and maybe they are, but they are still struggles that I need to take PURE JOY in because they are shaping who I am as a person, and hopefully closer to Christ.

I think people ignore the verse about people in humble positions taking pride in it, because we are not in "humble" positions.. what do we do? be frustrated in our positions? Its something to think about. How can we have conversations with people about being excited not only when we overcome obstacles.. which is great, but also the struggle, the wrestle and as Phillipians put it the "working out in fear and trembling" of a faith that may have a good base, but poor structure. Anyway.. this is all rambling but its something I have been thinking about today... comments? questions?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


I feel like today was a good day. I got a nap, a good lunch, classes went well, I got to talk to stephen last night... a main cool thing that happened today was it was a good spanish day. I feel like I generally undestood and could speak relatively well about what needed to be said. sigghh.. Ilike good days..

Last night we had our first Tango class. It was AWESOME. We spent a lot of it learning how to walk, lead and follow, turn, etc. It was so fun. we learned a lot in one lesson and we have four more left! I am so excited! My favorite part was when we had to dance and the girls had to close their eyes and feel where the guy was leading instead of try to guess or look at feet. That was really neat and felt refreshing to trust someone like that. The only bad part was I didn't bring any heels with me so I could only wear sandals.. It kind of hurt.. I need to go find a cheap pair of heels..

Tonight Cristina, Samanta and I walked around Ciudad Vieja and found a cool part of the shore with neat rocks to climb and stuff. I felt like home with the rocks in GH that we climb to the beach. A little more natural here, with crabs and stuff, but home nonetheless

Man it was good to talk to stephen last night. It felt like the first REAL conversation since Ive been here. Its so hard to have conversations when you can only talk for an alotted time. MSN is a godsend.....

Monday, February 14, 2005

Good Boy, Good Valentine

I came back from class today to find a rose on my desk with a card inscribed with a crazy hebrew name, an I love you of sorts and all sorts of sweet nicknames.. I instantly knew I had been surprised by my sweetheart. and I MEAN SURPRISED.. I had been relatively mopey all day because I knew I wouldn't be talking to stephen, that I was a hemisphere away, that everyone would be singing "love is in the air" and I would rather die. Plus after sending my present to stephen last night.. all I got was a "thanks, hope you have a good day, bye" .. three emails later I finally got fed up with no Happy VDay. I got one eventually but in the back of my mind I kept thinking he's either an IDIOT or he's up to something... I was hoping for the latter but assuming and forgiving the former.. He's busy..

Needless to say I am a smiling blushing girl...

Good work love...

Fun Stuff
(compliments of Alex Morstadt)
(compliments of my mother)

I hate Valentines Day

Ever since a stupid boy decided to break up with me on this very special day, my hatred for it has increased year by year. Last year was quite possibly the closest I have had to a "good" valentines day and that was only because my back home boys called to say hello. Well that and a DTR.
I always seem to have high hopes for Valentines Day, that is until the loom of death arrives at approximately 12:01 when I realize I am probably wrong about these high hopes. It is nothing against my special someone.. whomever that might be.. in this case my loved stephen. Its just that I ruin the blasted holiday for myself. I think of the most romantic and virtually impossible things that could be done and am disappointed when something perfectly romantic occurs yet doesn't meet my highest hopes. I am an idiot.. that or just female. Its not for lack of trying not to do these things. I spent much time last night trying to downplay Valentines day. Talking to my roommate about it didnt help much. She just kept saying things like I was thinking but didn't want to admit. I just told her.. "There is NO way he is coming to Uruguay.. dont even think about it.. I would kill him.. not happening". Among other retorts.
The other part about this years Valentines day is that I am in another country. This is probably the first year I could be excited about it. Stephen is fantastic, I am a happy camper, dating a man who is beyond incredible. And yet I ruin it by leaving the country.. perhaps fleeing the country is a better description though I vouch that I did NOT plan to miss all the fun stuff.
Well, now here I am. This morning the boys did an awful but sweet vday serenade at the god awful hour of 7am. Thanks boys you are too kind!! The girls also received roses from someone anonymous and they smell beautiful and look it as well. Tonight we have a Vday bash. Cristina and I were up til about midnight baking cookies. I made my grandmas recipe from scratch and memory. They turned out well though the texture is strange due to the Uruguayan ingredients.
I plan to make this day worth smiling about. I hope it works.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


I feel like today didn't really exist. I woke up about 11am after sleeping through church. Read my CS Lewis reading on Christian Marriage, went with Haley to the hamburguesa stand and got cornered by martin and jose.. after that its all a blur. the bast 4 hours didn't exist. I was trying to read for art but kept passing out in the process, literally every paragraph. I just took a shower but I feel like a zombie. Oh well, I think i might cook something fun tonight. Not sure what but its so easy to cook here cause NOTHING is instant. Makes me want to.. which is happy.

I realized something about all these crazy marriage happenings as of late.

I feel sane. but I feel like I don't think like normal people.. well.. the majority..

I also realized today how being cranky can increase your faith by forcing you to swallow those mean comments, by smiling when you dont want to bring someone elses day down just cuz yours is, and so forth. ALthough that sort of seems like making something unattractive noble to make myself feel better since Im still cranky. I don't know... Im babbling cuz Im bored now.

I miss home some today..

The Austin Miller Band

I was swept out the door last night at approximately 12:50 AM after making a late dinner of Amazingly good Pancakes, French Toast, and my own homemade syrup. I was in a fluster as I heard words flying by about a band, a concert, flyers made a few minutes, and the designated time of 1:45am. With guitars in hand, as well as an orange garbage can, with unique drumming quality, we continued on to the bus stop on Dieciocho. All 30 of us climbed on the already packed bus headed for Ciudad Vieja, still in wonderment. Apparently Jeremy and others decided to make flyers for their very own Miniconcerto in Ciudad Vieja.. The Flyer looked as follows:

The Austin Miller Band

DONDE: Cerca Don Peperone en el circulo
CUANDO: 01:45


So ofcourse we all got there, they were rushing to get to the designated area in order to play at their newly advertised concert. Meaning we.. the girls and Cameron.. attempted to pass out flyers to people while they walked by.

Eventually Cristina and I found a corner to observe the commotion from afar and try.. desperately to be able to point out ONE cute guy. She was unable, as well as I. They try too hard, they smoke, they drink.. and worst of all they Ogle like nobody's business.

Well soon the concert began.. They sang that Limp Bizkit song "Faith" starting with the Uruguay drumbeat.. which made people clap in confusion at why a Candombe group was in Ciudad Vieja. It drew a crowd that sadly but quickly dispersed when the song stopped fourteen times, and then was played a second time but with new words which meant nothing to them anyway.

A few of the fans were pretty funny, one forty year old drunk was convinced he was playing the Grateful Dead, and began singing and playing airguitar wildly behind me. He spoke english, though slurred by the effects of apparently too much alcohol, and I told him to go sing with the band. He replied: "Ohhh.. Naht toonahght honeeyyy... Ahh Donnnt do thaat soortta thang"

A few other english speakers trickled in and started conversations, one guy had lived in Michigan for 5 years, but it was his friend who was talking and not him so the convo ended quickly.

We came home to our quiet house approximately at the hour of 3am. I slept, didnt wake up for church, and am now about to go get hamburguesas and do homework.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Ummm strange

Well, we just got back from going to see Closer which is a horrible movie I would NEVER recommend to anyone I had the slightest respect for, and yet I still kind of liked it.. Should be rated NC17... but otherwise once you wade throughALLLLLLL the sex its a good movie.. sort of..

Once we got back I walked into a house full of chaos. A few of the guys were getting dressed, in dresses upstairs.. one with Mimi like makeup on, while girls were changing into guys clothes. Apparently spoons/truth or dare got a little crazy...

Interesting group we have here.. thats for sure..

I miss stephen a little tonight.. Im overwhelmed..


Well last night when we got back from chillin in Ciudad Vieja we came home to a bad weather report for Punta del Este. Apparently we chose a rainworthy weekend. So today we decided to stay in Montevideo. Raquel and Mariela came and cooked lunch for us... sweethearts. And we are going to try and leave tomorrow instead. Today I think we're going to go to the mall. I want to buy a pair of shoes, that is if they have them in my size.. I hope.

I got to talk to my momma last night. I miss her a lot. We got to talk for awhile and she said she's gonna send me my bday present!! WooHoo!! Im excited. I asked for pb and j, a mountain dew and some special items I dare not disclose. heheheh.. You Rock Ma!

We got valentines in the mail yesterday which made me excited. I already know what stephen is getting for VDay..I just have to find the time to make it. I hope you enjoyed todays edition kid!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Irazu, where have you been all my life?

So Im feeling a hundred times better than before... I went with Lucas and Daniel to Irazu a coffee shop in Ciudad Vieja that is AMAZING. I pigged out on sandwhiches two lattes and amazing cheesecake.. we all shared stuff.. the apple pie was REALLY good too.. and all incredibly cheap..

Now Im chillin online after finishing homework chillin with a caffeine buzz to some DMB and talking to RM phil online.. Everyone in the house is relatively quiet other than the stupid boys above us who cant stop stomping jumping and rocking their beds.. arg..!!!! thats right alex and andy! WE HEAR YOU!!!!!

I am excited for Punta del Este this weekend. I already need another break.

I miss brooke.. a lot. and shyle, and lyd, and russ and bryant and my mommy and dad, and berz a lot.. and drew... and mitch.. and RM.. and Erin... and my cats... and peanut butter.

Vday will be lonely on monday.. sad. oh well. we're havin a party..

Good morning...

Just got back from Fine Arts class. We just finished our literature section today and we had some great discussions. I am really enjoying that class. I have learned and actually retained a good amount.

Authors Read:
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Vorgas Llosa
Perri Rosa

All of which were pretty interesting. I am excited for the music section. Should be fun


Tired, Achy, Cranky, Emotional, lw fever, nauseous, ... Ineed a nap.. again

it was Camerons birthday today. What a unny kid. Raquel made frid chicken and mashed taters for him. Hes such a funny lil country boy.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Dappling in a Downer

So I think my least favorite thing is coming to my blog and finding zero comments. I know this is irrational since one of the only people who actually comment is stephen.. sometimes julie, my mom, etc. Once I pout because I am commentless I pout because I pouted.

I don't feel great today. Grumpy, tired, and just not good. Sad.

I did my devo today. Everyone does one or two over the semester and I did mine this morning.
I think I did pretty good. I did it over Phillipians 2:12-18, one of my favorite passages. I talked about some of the images in it:

1. Working out our salvation with fear and trembling.. letting myself wrestle around ideas and theologies that I have trouble with. The past few weeks has been rocking my world emotionally and spiritually and knowing that we are SUPPOSED to wrestle with our faith is great, to also know that I am allowed to be scared about it is an encouragement. Cuz I often am.

2. Making the choice not to complain or argue for the sake of being blameless and pure in order to "Shine like stars in the Heavens". .. This is something I have tossed around a lot the past few weeks. I have been cranky and irrational a lot, and realizing that those things aren't what give me "attention" from God and others, but rather deciding not to, being patient and kind, etc are what makes me Shine Like A Star. It is true though. I think of shyle when I read that, and Lydia. Very rarely do they complain or argue, I mean we have had our days of ranting, but in general they shine so bright because you NEVER hear them complaining. Thats neat to me.. Thats what I want to be.

3. Feeling good about being "poured out like a drink offering"... I feel like that today. That God has poured out all my reserves of joy, patience, energy, etc. Yet it feel soooooo good because I know He will fill be back up with purer joy, longer patience, and I will once again be energizer bunny until he does it again. I would rather be poured out and refilled every hour on the hour than sit and settle, and stew in myself. Yuck. no thanks.

After talking about all that and relating it some to our experiences here, I whipped out Romans 5:1-5 about actually taking joy in sufferings for perseverence, character, and hope in the Love of God. I was glad I was able to talk about that to the group. It is something that has been on my heart a lot the last couple of months. Stephen and I have talked about it some as well, that it is amazing that Paul rarely rejoices in getting money or friends but rather in suffering for Christ, in the deaths of Christians for their sacrifice, and other things along those lines. I wish I could have a heart like that!
I think but moreso hope that that is why I am so excited for this summer with youthworks. Because it will be fun yes, but mostly a draining, tiring, challenge that will require sacrificing a lot of myself for the sake of the kids, the other leaders, and the communities. I am so excited to be able to share in that sacrifice it gives me chills to think about. Gets me excited for future life possibilities.. definitly reminds me that I dont think I could sit by and watch the world pass me through an office door or window. I want to be out there gettin my hands dirty, working hard, being exhausted and poured out... I hope I can keep that zeal for self sacrifice. Stephen hold me to it.

So anyways.. I think I did alright today.. I liked feeling like I was talking about things that are real and helpful for our situation in Uruguay. I dont mind lovey dovey stuff, but theres a point where it feels fake. Im not doggin anyones devos.. for those of you who read this, Im just saying it felt good to talk about things I hope people could take with them. I know I got a lot from doing it.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Mis Aguilas estan perdidos.

Watched the game with the crew last night and had a blast. Cristina made cookies and brownies.. of which we frosted with massive amounts of Dulcedeleche (caramel type syrup). Plus we bought tons of pizza... chips, soda. We had the projector playing the game on the wall in the TV room. Despite having spanish commentators and fuzzy reception the night was rather homelike. Which I think we all savored a little. Saw some pretty cool stuff.. which didn't include the commercials because we didn't get them on our Fox Sports VIVO channel.. dang.

Earlier yesterday we made our first home cooked meal of Mac and Cheese plus Hotdogs and lots of steamed veggies. Best mac and cheese ever, it was so much better than kraft... I mean wow.

Today and tomorrow is Carnaval holidays so EVERYthing is closed including the Catholic Universtiy so we wont have Pensamiento. Thats exciting.

We do however have all our other classes.. yuck.

I have to do the devo tomorrow morning and I haven't thought about it much yet. I will have to pull something out tonight.. Shouldn't be too hard. Ive done enough in my life to get er done.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Superbowl Sunday... Apparently

So its sunday morning, I just got back from church.. at which I zoned out of the spanish sermon and into my bible.. Read some interesting things in Ezekiel. Never read that book before. Strange and out of context... Read my next psalm for the week .. Psalm 7. Its like honey.. Read a lil bit o John, a lil Isaiah, a lil Jeremiah, a lil Job. Felt good to putz around. I feel like I have read more of my bible in the past few weeks when I zone out of the sermons than I have.. ever. Feels refreshing.

Stephen called last night. Kind of a frustrating phone call.. I think you would agree stephen.. Lots of distractions on both ends, phone fuzziness, and then our card ran out mid conversation. It was good to talk for a few minutes but possibly more frustrating than not talking at all. Its becoming clearer how difficult it is to talk when we aren't just secluded in rooms or something. Although the emails this week have helped a lot..

I havent talked to my bro or sis YET since I have gotten here. I kinda feel bad and don't know how to get a hold of them. The easiest way is email but Ive gotten zero replies.. hmmm.

I am more tired today than normal. I think its all catching up with me. Sad.

Saturday, February 05, 2005


Yesterday was a lot of fun.. a LONG day. Lucas and I went shopping after and amazing lunch by Raqul.. Fajitas with homemade tortillas and Ice Cream.. mmm... Got some pants, a shirt, a belt. My first official purchases for me other than like toiletries and food. Felt good. Found some cool stores at the mall, and some cool shoes but NOONE has them in Lucas or I's size.. which is REALLY annoying. Im gonna go lookng on Dieciocho today for them... All I can do is hope.. heeheh

after that we went to the park for some Ultimate Frisbee.. A Lot of fun allthough the field SUCKED cuz it was actually a hill with glass bottles and bumps all over. Despite that it was a lot of fun. After THAT.. we all got ready to go out to the Candombe parade. We left about 10 and got there to HUGE crowds and no way to get to the street to see. So we ended up gettin shoved a bit. Some of us joined the people hanging from the robbery bars on windows to look over the crowd. We met a cute lady who had a newborn a four yr old and a 6 yr old. Cameron and Jeremy put the girls on their shoulders and we tried to get to the front of the crowd without crushing the baby. SHe was a younger lady, and that baby I swear was like 4 wks old. And so cute. It was intereting... staring at backs got old pretty quick so I just talked to the lady and the girls some. Overall it was pretty cool.. but I wouldnt go again without gettins seats early. to actually SEE it.

After that we went to the club. We got in FREE this time and it was a blast. The girl that sang before the dance music was AWESOme.. she sang a lot of english covers including "yesterday" which was interesting. Then the music came on. A lot of latin music and then like techno. A lot of crazy people who tried to hit on us but we just gave Jeremy and Cameron the eye and they would come dance with us to ward off any creepy people. Our heroes. Theyre so funny. Our big protectors. We got home about 4:30 and I only now woke up (2:30 pm... ahhhh..)

Lots of homework and chillin out to do today so Ill be off. Feel free to call today .. Ill be around the house for most of the day and night.