Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Minor Test of Faith.. Just to Drive Home the Point

My Lappy's hard drive got wiped today. Noone's fault, and despite a lot of effort on the part of Team55. But it happened. I lost all pics/docs/music. Learned my lesson.. don't attach personal value to things that aren't more than numbers and data.. its not worth it. I do miss some of the pics.. seeing as I hadnt put them up on facebook. The music I can deal with.. the majority was trash. And luckily I hadnt started actually writing my term paper.. never thought procrastination would be a blessing. I made it through the chaos and phone tag with Team55 without a single expletive or tear. Thats a step. I never used to freak out about stupid stuff, but this past year my stressometer would spike without warning.. resulting in sickness. I guess that incessant "patience, patience, patience" is coming in handy for more situations than I thought...

I did my first networking today. I hooked up WorldServants with a new school bus through Global Sam, plus they may end up making use of WS's stuff they have in warehouses. So thats exciting!!

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